events & openings...
jonathan is very excited to be invited to show in Venice, Italy, this year, as part the art show The Body Language 2020. This sculpture, Divina Proportione viii: la maschera de la carnevale, is made of burnished aluminum, with anodized paint on the fan and head dress. A votive candle behind the mask illuminates the eyes. The show opens 13th February, 2020.
jonathan has been invited by the Chicago Parks Dept., & Chicago Sculpture International to contribute a sculpture to the Windy City. Located in Midway Plaisance Park, Thalidomide#12, the most recent in this series, is inspired by congenital birth defects of the 50s&60s resulting from contamination with the anti-morning-sickness drug Thalidomide. With children across the country being exposed to lead and other environmental contaminants, it is more important than ever to remember our past mistakes. |